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This is Hucentech Co.,Ltd.’ s benefits

  • Support for stable living

    - Support for the celebration for enrolling kinder garden, elementary school, middle school and high school

    - Support for congratulations and condolences

    - In case of occupational disaster, payment of medical expenses and compensations

  • Support for self-development

    - Supporting fees for work related training(KRW1M)

  • Incenltives

    - EDT people of the month Award Talent recommendation award etc

    - Work invent and suggestion award

    - Long term work award by 5 year

  • Leasure

    - Club support (reading, soccer, climbing, golf, bowling)

    - 5 days work per week

    - Annual leave, half day leave, award leave, anniversary leave

  • Etc

    - Providing free breakfast, lunch and dinner

    - Building innovative cooperate culture though HRD, training creative human resource development