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Guided Control

Leading domestic and international markets based on core technology for conducting precision strike mission

Based on accumulated technical competitiveness through continuous R&D for 20 years, we succeeded in self-development and mass production of Chyunmu's navigation computer which is the main firearm weapon system of Korea Ground Army We also supply key modules for various tactical precision guided weapons through partnerships with leading companies

  • Guided Control Computer
    Guided Control Computer

    This computer provides an interface for controlling various components of guided weapons and performs computation of control algorithm using navigation information Navigator Unit (navigator), Guided Navigation Unit(guided control equipment, Inertial navigation equipment, carbon thermal battery) Warhead Unit(warhead, fuse), Fueling Unit(fuel), Engine Unit(engine, generator), Driving Unit(driver, controller), Boosting Unit(booster)

  • Control Board for Navigator
    Control Board for Navigator

    It detects the position information of the target by using various optical electromagnetic sensors and guides the guided missiles to the target by analyzing the image information

  • Control Board for Warhead and Fuse
    Control Board for Warhead and Fuse

    It electronically controls the role of detonating or destroying warheads due to impact or impact delays under control of the guidance coordination computer based on the information obtained from the guided control computer and various sensors


  • Guided Control Computer

    Guided ControlComputer

  • Control Board for Navigator

    Control Board for Navigator

  • Control Board for Warhead and Fuse

    Control Board for Warhead / Fuse

Business Field and Project Name

Table for business field and business name
Business Field Guided Navigation Equipment, Inertial Navigation Equipment, Electronically Control Unit for Warhead and Fuse, Sensor Unit
Project Name Tactical Multiplayer GCU, Ground-to-ground Ballistic Missile A, Ground-to-ground Ballistic Missile B, Guided Weapon Fuse A/B/C, Small-sized Guided Weapon, Air-to-ground Guided Weapon, High Mobility Guided Weapon